Empower Disabilities

New Horizon is dedicated to empower persons with disabilities for their inclusion.

empowering lives

We believe in focusing on abilities, not disabilities. Our mission is to empower individuals with disabilities by providing them with the necessary resources, support, and opportunities to lead fulfilling lives.

Inclusive community

Building an inclusive community is at the heart of what we do at New Horizon. We strive to create a world where people of all abilities can live, work, and play together with dignity and respect.

Bridging gaps To accessible All

We are dedicated to bridging the gaps in accessibility for individuals with disabilities with improving physical accessibility in public spaces, providing technologies.

we deal

New Horizon for Disability and Development (NHDD) was established by volunteer persons with disabilities (PWD)on August 04/2020 and registered with number 5032 in accordance with the Civil Society Organizations Proclamation number 1113/2019.
New Horizon is dedicated to empower persons with disabilities: women, girls, older persons and children, and advocate for their inclusion in socio-economic life

Our Vision

By 2030, we envision an equal and inclusive society; where persons with disabilities are valued and treated equally, just find themselves free of poverty& discrimination.

Our Mission

We work towards empowering PWD to exercise their rights to enable them to participate equally in socioeconomic development in collaboration with partners, reducing inequality in the nation.

Our Values

– Humanity
– Inclusiveness
– Equity and Equality
– Responsibility and Integrity
– Transparency and Accountability

Join us It will only take a minute!

Our organization is a member of the Regional Alliance of Civil Society Organizations in Tigray (ACSOT).

Few Things We’re Great at

Here are our key areas where New Horizon excels.

Support Programs

we are dedicated to offering tailored support services designed to address the unique needs of each individual. Our approach ensures that every person receives the personalized attention they deserve, fostering their growth and success. In addition to our bespoke support,

Training Programs

we provide comprehensive training focused on enhancing employ ability and skills. Our training programs are crafted to equip individuals with the essential tools and knowledge needed to thrive in today’s job market.

Advocacy & Awareness

We lead impactful advocacy and awareness campaigns to promote the rights and inclusion of people with disabilities.

Education Programs

Our education programs are designed to ensure that children and adults with disabilities receive the education they deserve.

One dollar for one disable.

ወርሓዊ ሓደ ዶላር ንሓደ ጉድእ ኣካል ህፃን!!

Join us in our efforts to make the world a more accessible place for everyone.

Latest news

Stay updated with our latest initiatives, events, and success stories!

ጉዱኣት ኣካል ዓቅሚ ህንፀት ምስርሕ

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Our Projects

Empowering thousands with disabilities through personalized support, inclusive education.



Education Programs






Project No. One

Above 7,550 PWD of beneficiaries (4,500 are female) and 1,200 children with Disabilities were supported with food in Mekelle in collaboration with different governmental and non-governmental organizations during 2020/2021 and 2022;

Project No. Two

750 PWD of beneficiaries from 8 IDP centers were supported with food, non-food, cash and Assistive items;

Project No. Three

The total cost of items which had been donated by different organizations in kind and cash was estimated around 6,387,000 ETB in pate two years;

Our Teams

Yohanes Arkebe



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Team Member

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Team Member

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Our Partners